
Showing posts from September, 2021

Syllabus Computational Fundamentals for Machine Learning - CST 294 KTU

  Syllabus Module 1 LINEAR ALGEBRA : Systems of Linear Equations – Matrices, Solving Systems of Linear Equations. Vector Spaces –Vector Spaces, Linear Independence, Basis and Rank. Linear Mappings –Matrix Representation of Linear Mappings, Basis Change, Image and Kernel. Module 2  ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, MATRIX DECOMPOSITIONS : Norms, Inner Products, Lengths and Distances, Angles and Orthogonality, Orthonormal Basis, Orthogonal  Complement, Orthogonal Projections – Projection into One Dimensional Subspaces, Projection onto General Subspaces, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization. Determinant and Trace, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Cholesky Decomposition, Eigen decomposition and Diagonalization, Singular Value Decomposition, Matrix Approximation. Module 3 VECTOR CALCULUS :  Differentiation of Univariate Functions - Partial Differentiation and Gradients, Gradients of Vector Valued Functions, Gradients of Matrices, Useful Identities for Computing Gradients. Back propagat...